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Elements of Money

Give your teen a head start on handling real-world finances

Special program combines checking account and online education

They sure grow up fast. Before long, teens move into the adult world, where they'll need to manage expenses, set a budget, use a credit card and handle other money matters. The best preparation? Let them learn about - and practice - these skills while parents can still keep an eye on things. At Market USA, our Elements of Money program combines practical experience with a teen-oriented website.

  • Low minimum opening deposit of $5
  • Designed for young people ages 13-17 (a parent or guardian age 18 or over must be a joint owner)
  • Option to open a Young Adult Checking Account with no minimum balance or monthly fees
  •  Mobile App with Mobile Check Deposit, Online Banking, card controls and more
  • Access to 30,000+ surcharge-free ATMs and 5,000+ Shared Branches
  • Eight free foreign (non-Market USA) ATM transactions per month1 with a Young Adult Checking Account
  • Access to 12-Month Accumulator Share Certificates with low $100 minimum opening deposit and the ability to make future deposits of $25 or more
  • College scholarship opportunities
  • Educational website with informational articles, podcasts and fun activities
  • Quarterly teen newsletter with helpful tips on saving, spending, investing and more

Features & Benefits

Membership Savings Rates
Balance APY Min. to Open Dividends Compounded/Credited
$25,000 0.07%   Monthly/Monthly
$5,000 0.06%   Monthly/Monthly
$2,000 0.05%   Monthly/Monthly
$0.01 0.05% $5.00 Monthly/Monthly

Rates effective as of 3/30/2025.

$5.00 minimum balance required to maintain membership.

Rate Disclosures

1$1.00 fee after eight transactions per month. ATM surcharges may apply.

Market USA Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with locations in Maryland and South Carolina as well as nationwide locations through the Shared Branch Network.